Your music on any device

Choose your platform including mobile apps, dedicated hardware, or one of our third party integrations.

Try for Free

Web Streaming

Stream from a computer connected to your sound system. The perfect solution for smaller businesses that don't want to invest in hardware. Also, for those who want to try our service out before getting a player.

Mobile Apps

App for iOS and Android that allows you to use your phone or tablet as a music source for your store, as well as managing music for all your locations. Change your programming across different stations, mixes or schedules on the fly. Fine-tune your music content by liking or disliking specific songs. Remotely control and manage music on your dedicated SoundMachine player, even if you have multiple locations.

Hardware Player

The ultimate plug-and-play option for ease of management and vertical control over what is being listened to at every location. The player provides a reliable solution that can be configured remotely and controlled from an app, needing only an internet connection, a speaker system, and access to power. Configured for DHCP, or set to use static IP.

SoundMachine plays well with friends

Music for business on any platform. Try it for free.