Crafted music for breweries

Pick the sound of your brewery

Choose your station

Pick your ideal sound from more than 500 curated stations. Select across a wide variety of genres ranging from pop to indie, from rock to ambient. Once you pick your playlists, use the slider to play only mellow or upbeat songs.

Create your station

Import your playlists from your favorite music service like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and more.

Dedicated music concierge

If you don't know what type of music is best for your store, get in touch with our sound design team. We are pleased to help you make the perfect selection!


Playing music at your brewery requires a different set of licenses than music for personal enjoyment. If you operate out of the U.S. or Canada, all of the necessary rights to play music at your business are included in our subscription fees. For any other country, please visit our licensing page.

Music for breweries. Licensed for business.

Mix stations

Every brewery has its own character and crowd. Use our simple and intuitive web interface to create your own combination of stations for the perfect match to your brewery's true self.

Schedule stations and mixes

As the day goes by, customer flow and type change. You'll be able to schedule stations to adapt your music to the time of day. Play faster or slower music during hours you know you are the busiest or slowest. Schedule it all beforehand so you don't have to worry about anything.

Program messages

Incorporate promotional messages to come through at exact times or precise intervals. Messages can be grouped for more complex scheduling and to make it easier to program them across multiple locations. We can even create them for you.

Control content across locations

If you own more than one brewery, you can link each brewery to your account and manage their music content from one interface.

Make your brewery sound great. Try it for free.

You are in good company

Businesses of every size, shape and kind use SoundMachine to create the best customer experiences at their locations.