Spotify playlists are not licensed for business. Import them to our platform and make them legal to use.
Import your Spotify playlists
Import your Spotify playlists. You can also import them from Apple Music, Amazon Music and more.
Mix playlists
Combine different playlists to find the sound and variety you are looking for. Use our simple and intuitive web interface to create your own combination of stations, with the option to decide how much each station should weight in your mix.
Schedule playlists and mixes
Schedule playlists and mixes to match music to the time of day. Set the most upbeat music for busy hours and more mellow tunes for relaxed moments. Build your atmosphere to custom-fit your needs.
Program messages
Incorporate promotional messages to come through at exact times or precise intervals. Messages can be grouped for more complex scheduling and to make it easier to program them across multiple locations. We can even create them for you.
Import your favorite content and press play. Licensed for business.
Manage music content and messages across multiple locations and zones from one easy-to-use interface. Set up your users with different degrees of access to content.
Choose from multiple devices
Play your favorite tunes from your device of choice. Stream content via web, iOS and Android apps, or a third-party device such as Sonos. Our dedicated hardware players provide a reliable cost-effective solution that can be configured remotely and controlled from a mobile app. Learn more.
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