Tag: music
Italian Restaurant Music: The Importance of Authenticity
August 31, 2018
At SoundMachine we have three Italian restaurant music stations that adapt to all of the vibes you are looking for, curated by Italian music experts. [...]
Music for Breweries: 12 Stations for You
July 5, 2018
The brewery boom is relatively recent, and each brewery has its own personality. [...]
Coffee Connection and Music for Coffee Shops
February 26, 2018
Coffee Connection is a nonprofit community focused on well-being that specializes in ecological and organic coffee, and this is their story with SoundMachine. [...]
ISE 2018 – Amsterdam, Netherlands
February 16, 2018
This year, more than 80,000 visitors showed up to say “hi” at Integrated Systems Europe’s (ISE) 15th edition, celebrated in Amsterdam. [...]
CES 2018 – Las Vegas, NV
January 22, 2018
CES 2018, the Las Vegas consumer electronics fair held on January 9th-12th, has bid farewell to its more than 160,000 attendees. [...]
Music for Business and The Brand Identity
November 27, 2017
What exactly is congruency? Put simply, it's when the music matches the message we want to transmit to the public. [...]